TI 99/4A cartridge Database by Toucan - Sorted by Cartridge Title
Main contributors: Bill Gaskill, Mike Wright,James Fetzner, Fabrice Montupet,
Charles Good, Michael Becker. Hopefully we didn't leave too many out :)
Last revision: 10/28/2001
This list can be used as a check list for you, so you can inventory your cartridges and also know which ones you need to get to complete your collection. Print this page out, or keep it on your computer, and mark the cartridges off in the C,B,or I columns depending on what you have.
If anyone owns any of the cartridges that are marked as a Prototype, Never Released, or finds an error in this listing, please contact me at my e-mail address above, as I would love to add anything I can to this listing to make it more complete and accurate. If you are interested in viewing screen shots, manuals, boxes, etc. of the following cartridges, please visit my Images Section on the Main Page. Any contributions are welcomed.
Rarity Key:
EC = extremely common
C = common
U = uncommon
R = rare
VR = very rare
ER = extremely rare
C: I have the cart
I: I have the instructions
B: I have the box
Special Company Codes:
If a cartridges was produced by two companies (ex. "Addition and Subtraction 1" was done both by TI and Scott Foresman) use the follwing chart to know which version of the game is being listed:
SF = Scott Foresman SE = Sega
TI = Texas Instruments TE = Thorn-EMI
TR = Tronics (NOT TRITON) MB = Milton Bradley
TT = Triton EX = Exceltec
DB = DataBioTics MP = MicroPal
IUG = International 99/4 Users Group IM = Imagic
DY = Disney PL = Plato
How to use the Notes:
If there is a note by a cartridge, it tells you where you can find info about a particular game. For example, if "Unconfirmed #22" is under the "Notes" heading, then scroll to the bottom of this page to the "Unconfirmed" heading, then look for entry #22. That entry will provide you with some interesting info on that particular cartridge. Notify me if anyone owns an unconfirmed cartridge, as I would love to add it to this page as confirmed. All cartridges that are confirmed will be marked Confirmed for a period of two weeks to let people know something new has popped up. If you can contribute some info that you think would be beneficial to the Notes section, send it my way.
Cartridge Title Part No. C I B Manufacturer Rarity Notes
--------------- -------- - - - ---------------- ------ -------------------
40K ROM Module ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] ________________ SS Unconfirmed #87
99 Home Sentry TRI-QGAG [ ] [ ] [ ] CorComp ER Needs X-10 Box
4A Flyer TRI-BDAF [ ] [ ] [ ] Triton VR
A-Maze-Ing PHM 3030 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC
Accounting Assistant (SF) SF 30429 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER
Accounting Assistant (TR) HSM 1414 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics ER Unconfirmed #1
ACS Protection PHM 3063 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instrumrnts ER Unconfirmed #2
Activity Accountant (SF) SF 30428 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER
Activity Accountant (TR) HSM 1413 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics ER Unconfirmed #1
Addition PHM 3090 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments U
Addition & Subtraction 1 (SF)SF 30201 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman U
Addition & Subtraction 1 (TI)PHM 3027 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC
Addition & Subtraction 2 (SF)SF 30204 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman U
Addition & Subtraction 2 (TI)PHM 3028 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC
Addition & Subtraction 3 (SF)SF 30226 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman U Question #1
Adventure PHM 3041 [ ] [ ] [ ] Adventure Int. EC Came w/disk or cass.
Advertizer PHM 3063 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER Question #2
Alien Addition PHM 3115 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics C
Alligator Mix PHM 3114 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics C
Alpiner PHM 3056 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC Fact #1
Ambulance FW 1005 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware ER
Angler Dangler PHM 3167 [ ] [ ] [ ] Data East Co. ER Unconfirmed #3
Ant Colony FW 1___ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware ER Unconfirmed #4
Ant Eater ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone ER Fact #2
Anteater ROM02025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox R Fact #2
Arcturus STA 103 [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec ER Plugs in side port
Astroblitz FW 1___ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware ER Unconfirmed #4
Astrochase PB 1290 [ ] [ ] [ ] Parker Brothers ER Unconfirmed #5
Astro Fighter PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Data East SS Unconfirmed #91
Attendance Recorder (SF) SF 30420 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER
Attendance Recorder (TR) HSM 1405 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics ER Unconfirmed #1
Automatic Telephone Dialer ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Alpha2 Computer ER Unconfirmed #6
Bach Music PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER Unconfirmed #7
Barrage TRI-BAAX [ ] [ ] [ ] Sofmachine ER
Basic Support Module ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] _________________ SS Unconfirmed #87
Battlestar Galactica PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER Unconfirmed #8
Battlezone PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega ER Unconfirmed #9
Beginning Grammar PHM 3003 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC
Beyond Parsec PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER Unconfirmed #10
Beyond Parsec TRI-BDAP [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER
Beyond Space ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec ER
Beyond Wordwriter (1988) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER Question #2
Beyond Wordwriter (1989) TRI-2017 [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER Question #2
Bigfoot PHM 3151 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley U
Bigfoot (MB) MB 434_ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley ER Unconfirmed #11
Blackhole TRI-BABD [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics VR
Blackjack and Poker PHM 3033 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley EC
Blasto PHM 3032 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley EC
Boxer (EX) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec ER
Boxer (DB) TRI-2007 [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER
Breakout PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER Unconfirmed #12
Breakthrough TRI-2006 [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER AKA Tile Breaker
Buchungssystem PHM 3066 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER German Release
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom PHM 3226 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega C
Burger Builder TRI-BAAY [ ] [ ] [ ] Software Specialt. ER
Burgertime PHM 3233 [ ] [ ] [ ] Data East Co. EC
Cannonball Blitz ROM06062 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sierra On-Line ER Released on ECPC
Car Wars PHM 3054 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC
Card Sharp MB 496_ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley ER Unconfirmed #13
Cartridge Expander WD-01 [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone R Rotary
Cartridge Expander TRI-BAAB [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone C Push Button
Cartridge Expander - Weyer ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Computer Husle SS Fact #14
Cartridge Expander - Trislot ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Unknown - Italian SS Fact #15
Cave Creatures ROM08185 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware ER Released on ECPC
Centipede RX 8503 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft C
CEX-121 ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Ultracomp ER Unconfirmed #14
Championship Baseball (TI) PHM 3148 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley U
Championship Baseball (MB) MB 4341 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley ER Unconfirmed #11
Changes 7-013-99 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tigervision ER Unconfirmed #15
Character Crayons ROM07025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone ER Unconfirmed #16
Chicken Coop TRI-BAAH [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone ER AKA Hen Pecked
Chisholm Trail PHM 3110 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC
Choplifter! PHM 3159 [ ] [ ] [ ] Br0derbund ER Unconfirmed #17
Class Data Recorder SF 30421 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER
Computer Math Games I PHM 3084 [ ] [ ] [ ] Addison-Wesley ER Question #3
Computer Math Games II PHM 3083 [ ] [ ] [ ] Addison-Wesley C
Computer Math Games III PHM 3085 [ ] [ ] [ ] Addison-Wesley R
Computer Math Games IV PHM 3086 [ ] [ ] [ ] Addison-Wesley ER Question #3
Computer Math Games VI PHM 3088 [ ] [ ] [ ] Addison-Wesley C
Computer Tutor PHM 3170 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER Unconfirmed #18
Computer War (TE) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Thron-EMI ER Unconfirmed #19
Computer War (MP) TRI-BAAK [ ] [ ] [ ] MicroPal VR
Computergraphik PHM 30__ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER German Release
Congo Bongo (TI) PHM 3227 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega ER
Congo Bongo (SE) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega ER Unconfirmed #20
Connect Four (MB) MB 4965 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley VR Fact #3
Connect Four (TI) PHM 3038 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments EC
Console Calc TRI-BJBS [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER
Console Calc+ TRI-BJBT [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER Question #4
Console Writer TRI-BBCA [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone ER
Corcomp ‘83 Module Adapter TRI-YKAK [ ] [ ] [ ] CorComp ER
Course Manager SF 30448 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER
Crisis Mountain FW 1____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware ER Unconfirmed #4
Crossfire PHM 3207 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sierra On-Line ER Unconfirmed #21
Cubit ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Artios/IUG ER Unconfirmed #22
D*Station (IUG) M9-242C [ ] [ ] [ ] IUG ER Fact #4
D*Station (EX) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec ER
D*Station (DB) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER
D*Station 2 (DB) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics ER
D*Station 2 (EX) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec ER
Data Analyzer SF 30417 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER Unconfirmed #23
Data Base Management Entry ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Fact #16
Data Base Management Sort ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Fact #16
Data Base Management System ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone VR
Datenverwaltung und Analyse 1105539 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments ER German Release
David's Midnight Magic PHM 3___ [ ] [ ] [ ] Br0derbund ER Unconfirmed #17
Death Star Battle PB 16__ [ ] [ ] [ ] Parker Brothers SS Unconfirmed #85
Decimals PHM 3096 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken U
Decimals 1 (SF) SF 30229 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER
Decimals 2 (SF) SF 30244 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman ER
Defender RX 8506 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Demolition Division PHM 3116 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics SS
Demon Attack (TI) PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #24
Demon Attack (IM) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #25
Demo ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS German Release
Demonstration PHM 3001 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Desktop Publisher TRI-BAAR [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Developers Rom Module ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Question #5
Diagnostic PHM 3000 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Fact #5
Dig Dug RX 8509 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Disk Access Cartridge ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Tex Micro SS Unconfirmed #26
Disk Duplicator v1.0 ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #27
Disk Fixer AS-02 [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Disk Manager 1 PHM 3019 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Disk Manager 2 PHM 3089 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Disk Manager 3 PHM 3230 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Confirmed #5
Division PHM 3093 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics SS
Division 1 (SF) SF 30210 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Division 1 (TI) PHM 3049 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Donkey Kong RX 8512 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Dragon Mix PHM 3117 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics SS
Dragonflyer TRI-BAAW [ ] [ ] [ ] Sofmachine SS AKA Spot-Shot
Driving Demon FW 1008 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS Fact #6
Dunjeonlord ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Futuresoft SS Unconfirmed #29
E.T & His Adventures at Sea PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Looking Glass SS Unconfirmed #30
E.T & His Adventures in Air PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Looking Glass SS Unconfirmed #30
E.T.& His Adventures on Land PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Looking Glass SS Unconfirmed #30
E.T. The Extra-terrestrial PHM 3125 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #31
Early Learning Fun PHM 3002 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Early Logo Learning Fun PHM 3144 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Early Reading (SF) SF 30112 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Early Reading (TI) PHM 3015 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Echecs PHM 3008 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS French Release
ECPC Cartridge Programmer WD-03 [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS
ECPC Cartridges (Blank) TI-01 [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS Fact #11
Editor/Assembler PHM 3055 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Edu-Pack AS-ED01b [ ] [ ] [ ] Asgard Software SS
Equations PHM 3100 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Escape TRI-2005 [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Espial 7-012-99 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tigervision SS
Extended Basic, TI PHM 3026 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Question #6
Extended Basic, Exceltec ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Extended Basic, MicroPal ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] MicroPal SS In Atarisoft Case
Extended Basic II ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Asgard Software SS
Extended Basic II+ ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Mechatronics SS
Extended Basic III ?TRI-2138? [ ] [ ] [ ] Asgard Software SS Unconfirmed #32
Face Chase STA 110 [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Facemaker PHM 3177 [ ] [ ] [ ] Spinnaker SS
Fantasy PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] SNK Electronics SS Unconfirmed #33
Fathom (IM) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #25
Fathom (TI) PHM 3222 [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS
Fig-Forth ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Mechatronics SS
Fitness Training 1105528 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS UK Release
Five-A-Side Football PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS European Release
Flap PHM 3223 [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #26
Football PHM 3009 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Fractional Numbers PHM 3095 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Fractions 1 SF 30220 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Fractions 2 SF 30238 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Frog Jump (SF) SF 31177 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Frog Jump (TR) HSM 1010 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS
Frog Jump/Picture Parts SF 30304 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Frog Stickers TRI-BAAG [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Frogger PB 1610 [ ] [ ] [ ] Parker Brothers SS
Fun With Music ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Epyx SS Unconfirmed #34
Galactic Barrier ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS Unconfirmed #4
Galaxian ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega SS Unconfirmed #9
Gameport Expansion Module ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS Unconfirmed #35
Gateway to Apshai ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Epyx SS Unconfirmed #34
Germ Patrol PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Confirmed #1
Gestion Priveé PHM 3218 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS French Release
Grom Buster WD-02 [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Guardian ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS AKA Black Hole
Hamsoft Ham Radio Software ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Kantronics SS
Hangman (MB) MB 4966 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Hangman (TI) PHM 3037 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Hen Pecked ROM03025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS
Henhouse FW 1001 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS
Herbie Races Again ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #36
Home Financial Decisions PHM 3006 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Homework Helper AS-04 [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Homework Helper Plus TRI-BAAC [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Honey Hunt (TI) PHM 3156 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Honey Hunt (MB) MB _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #11
Hopper PHM 3229 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Household Budget Management PHM 3007 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Hunt the Wumpus PHM 3023 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Hustle PHM 3034 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
I'm Hiding (TI) PHM 3155 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
I'm Hiding (MB) MB 4354 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Individual Accounting PHM 3066 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS European Release
Indoor Soccer PHM 3024 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Integers PHM 3094 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Intercept (DB) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Cactus Eaters SS Unconfirmed #88
Intercept (TI) PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Cactus Eaters SS Unconfirmed #88
Investment Analysis PHM 3012 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #37
Jawbreaker II PHM 3194 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sierra On-Line SS
Joust RX 8525 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Confirmed #2
Jumpman Jr. 148-436 [ ] [ ] [ ] Epyx SS Unconfirmed #38
Jumpy (DB) TRI-BAAZ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sofmachine SS
Jumpy (EX) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sofmachine SS
Jungle Hunt RX 8528 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Junkman Jr. TRI-BAAM [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Key to Spanish - Level 1 PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS Unconfirmed #39
Key to Spanish - Level 2 PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS Unconfirmed #39
Key to Spanish - Level 3 PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS Unconfirmed #39
Key to Spanish - Level 4 PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS Unconfirmed #39
Keystone Kapers ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Activision SS Unconfirmed #40
Killer Caterpillar ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Killer Caterpillar TRI-GBAA [ ] [ ] [ ] Norton Software SS Question #7
King of the Castle TEN42067 [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Question #8
King of the Castle ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS AKA Escape
Know Your Operations SF 30303 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Unconfirmed #41
Lasso PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] SNK Electronics SS Unconfirmed #42
Laws of Arithmetic PHM 3099 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Lingaphone I PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS Series Changed to
Lingaphone II PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS the Key To Spanish
Lingaphone III PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS series
Lingaphone IV PHM 3126 [ ] [ ] [ ] Westinghouse SS -------------
Link Terminal Emulator ASG-U09 [ ] [ ] [ ] Asgard Software SS
Lode Runner PHM 3___ [ ] [ ] [ ] Br0derbund SS Uhnconfirmed #67
Love Tennis ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS AKA Micro Tennis
Lunar Outpost ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Epyx SS Unconfirmed #38
M*A*S*H PHM 3158 [ ] [ ] [ ] Fox Video Games SS
Magic Memory TRI-BAAV [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS AKA TI Workshop
Make a Sentence ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #43
Mancala TRI-2002 [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Mark Reporter SF 30409 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Unconfirmed #23
Master Mental Arithmetic SF 30303 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Unconfirmed #41
Match Catch PHM 3161 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #44
Math Management Package SF 30447 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Unconfirmed #45
Measurement Formulas PHM 3101 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Meteor Belt (TI) PHM 3152 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Meteor Belt (MB) MB _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #11
Meteor Multiplication PHM 3119 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Micro Pinball TRI-BADE [ ] [ ] [ ] Software Specialt. SS
Micro Tennis TRI-BDAQ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS AKA Love Tennis
Microsoft Multiplan PHM 3113 [ ] [ ] [ ] Microsoft SS
Microsurgeon (TI) PHM 3220 [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS
Microsurgeon (IM) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #25
Midnight Mason ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Software Specialt. SS
Midnight Mason ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Milliken Manager PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS Prototype #1
Milton Bradley Gamevision MB 4961 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Fact #7
Mind Challengers PHM 3025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Fact #8
Miner 2049er 7-008-99 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tigervision SS
Mini Memory PHM 3058 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Fact #9
Mini Memorie Pour TI99 ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] R.A.C. SS French Release
Miniwriter II ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Miniwriter II+ TRI-BJBZ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Miniwriter III ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Miniwriter III+ TRI-BJBY [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Minus Mission PHM 3118 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics SS
Mission X PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Data East SS Unconfirmed #46
Missle Command RX 8537 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Unconfirmed #79
Mists of Venus ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Futuresoft SS Unconfirmed #29
Moon Patrol RX 8531 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Moonmine PHM 3131 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Moonsweeper (TI) PHM 3224 [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS
Moonsweeper (IM) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #25
Mouskattack PHM 3208 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sierra On-Line SS Unconfirmed #47
Ms. Pac-Man RX 8543 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Multiplication PHM 3092 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Multiplication 1 (SF) SF 30207 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Multiplication 1 (TI) PHM 3029 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Multiplication 2 (SF) SF 30223 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Question #9
Munchman PHM 3057 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Fact #10
Munchman II TRI-BDAG [ ] [ ] [ ] Triton SS
Munchmobile PHM 3146 [ ] [ ] [ ] SNK Electronics SS
Music Maker PHM 3020 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Music SDA ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #48
NAM ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Futuresoft SS Unconfirmed #29
Nature's Way ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS Unconfirmed #49
Number Bowling (SF) SF 31189 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Number Bowling (TR) HSM 1050 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS
Number Bowling/Space Journey SF 30306 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Number Magic PHM 3004 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Number Ration SF _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Unconfirmed #89
Number Readiness PHM 3098 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Numeration 1 (SF) SF 30213 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Numeration 1 (TI) PHM 3050 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Numeration 2 (SF) SF 30216 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Numeration 2 (TI) PHM 3051 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Nutrition Analysis PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Othello PHM 3067 [ ] [ ] [ ] Gabriel Industries SS Fact #1
P/L Manager ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS Unconfirmed #50
Pac-man RX 8500 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Paddle Ball PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #51
Paint ‘N Print TRI-BACA [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Axiom GP100/700
Paint ‘N Print TRI-BACD [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Axiom 550/Okidata
Paint ‘N Print TRI-BACE [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Epson/Gemini
Paraprint TRI-WABV [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Parsec PHM 3112 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Fact #1
Payroll Assistant SF 30411 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Percents PHM 3097 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Peripheral Diagnostic Module TRI-YKAL [ ] [ ] [ ] CoComp SS
Perl Diver FW _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS Unconfirmed #90
Personal Real Estate PHM 3022 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Personal Record Keeping PHM 3013 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Personal Report Generator PHM 3044 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Personnel Data Recorder SF 30427 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Peter Pan's Space Odyssey(TI)PHM 3132 [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #52
Peter Pan's Space Odyssey(DY)________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #52
Physical Fitness PHM 3010 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Picnic Paranoia RX 8517 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Fact #11
Picture Parts (SF) SF 31180 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Picture Parts (TR) HSM 1020 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS
Pinocchio's Great Escape (TI)PHM 3135 [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #52
Pinocchio's Great Escape (DY)________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #52
PIO Plus Printer Interface TRI-YKAW [ ] [ ] [ ] CorComp SS
Pipes FW _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS Unconfirmed #53
Pitstop ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Epyx SS Unconfirmed #38
Plant Genetics, Introduction PHM 3173 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Confirmed #3
Plato Interpreter (TI) PHM 3122 [ ] [ ] [ ] Control Data Corp. SS TI Release
Plato Interpreter (PL) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Control Data Corp. SS CDC Release
Pole Position RX 8534 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS
Popeye PB 1650 [ ] [ ] [ ] Parker Brothers SS
Pre-School Early Learning Fun________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Confirmed #4
Préscolaire PHM 3069 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS French Release
Princess and Frog ROM01025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS
Pro-Typer TRI-BABG [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Program Manager 6000+ ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Pilgrims Pride SS
Property Manager SF 30431 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Protector II RX 8516 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Fact #11
Pyramid Puzzler (SF) SF 31186 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Pyramid Puzzler (TR) HSM 1030 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS
Pyramid Puzzler/Star Maze SF 30304 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Q*Bert PB 1620 [ ] [ ] [ ] Parker Brothers SS
Q Maze TRI-BAAZ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sofmachine SS AKA Jumpy
Qubic STA 104 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sunware SS Unconfirmed #54
Rabbit Trail FW 1004 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS
Rat Hotel ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware/Creative SS Unconfirmed #53
Reading Adventures SF 30117 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Cheers SF 30115 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Flight (SF) SF 30122 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Flight (TI) PHM 3082 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Fun (SF) SF 30114 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Fun (TI) PHM 3043 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading On (SF) SF 30116 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading On (TI) PHM 3046 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Power SF 30121 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Rainbows SF 30113 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Rally (SF) SF 30120 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Rally (TI) PHM 3048 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Roundup (SF) SF 30118 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Roundup (TI) PHM 3047 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Trail SF 30119 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Reading Wonders SF 30123 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Red Baron Flight Simulator TRI-BADH [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Rembrandt ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS Unconfirmed #55
Renoir ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS Unconfirmed #56
Return to Pirates Isle PHM 3189 [ ] [ ] [ ] Adventure Interna. SS
River Rescue TE8-148 [ ] [ ] [ ] Thorn-EMI SS Unconfirmed #19
Robotron: 2084 RX 8519 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Unconfirmed #57
Romox Demonstration Module ROM_____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS Unconfirmed #58
Rotor Raiders ROM06025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS
Saguaro City PHM 3052 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #59
Salary Planner (SF) SF 30430 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Salary Planner (TR) HSM 1415 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS Unconfirmed #1
Schashmeister 1103055-0002 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS German Release
Scheduling Assistant SF 30410 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Schnoz-Ola (Romox ECPC) ROM04185 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS
Schnoz-Ola (Funware) FW _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS Unconfirmed #60
Scholastic Spelling -Level 3 PHM 3059 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scholastic Inc. SS
Scholastic Spelling -Level 4 PHM 3060 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scholastic Inc. SS
Scholastic Spelling -Level 5 PHM 3061 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scholastic Inc. SS
Scholastic Spelling -Level 6 PHM 3062 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scholastic Inc. SS
School Mailer (SF) SF 30423 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
School Mailer (TR) HSM 1408 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS Unconfirmed #1
Scraper Caper 7-010-99 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tigervision SS Unconfirmed #15
Search Master STA 102 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sunware SS Unconfirmed #61
Securities Analysis PHM 3012 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Sewermania (TI) PHM 3150 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Sewermania (MB) MB _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #11
Shamus RX 8518 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Fact #11
Shanghai FW _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS Unconfirmed #62
Silicon Warrior ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Epyx SS Unconfirmed #38
Simon Says PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #63
Sky Lancer 7-014-99 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tigervision SS Unconfirmed #15
Slime (AKA Super Storm) RX 8515 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Unconfirmed #64
Slymoids PHM 3197 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
SMU - Circuit Analysis PHM 3045 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Confirmed #5
Sneggit PHM 3145 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Soccer 1103060-0001 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS European Release
Soccer-Hallenfussball PHM 3024 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS German Release
Sorgan II TRI-BDAU [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Soundtrack Trolley (TI) PHM 3157 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Soundtrack Trolley (MB) MB _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #11
Space Bandits (TI) PHM 3149 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Space Bandits (MB) MB _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #11
Space Chase ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS Unconfirmed #65
Space Journey (SF) SF 31192 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Space Journey (TR) HSM 1060 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS
Space Patrol (EX) STA 105 [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Space Patrol (DT) TRI-2002 [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Speech Construction PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #86
Speech Editor PHM 3011 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Speed Reading (B) TRI-BABA [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Version B - Children
Speed Reading (A) TRI-BABB [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS Version A - Adults
Spot-Shot TRI-BAAW [ ] [ ] [ ] Sofmachine SS AKA Dragon Flyer
Springer 7-006-99 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tigervision SS Unconfirmed #15
Spy's Demise (DB) TRI-BABC [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Spy's Demise (EX) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
St. Nick FW 1009 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS
Stargate RX 8522 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Unconfirmed #66
Star Gazer I TRI-BBBA [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Star Gazer II TRI-BBBB [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Star Gazer III TRI-BBBC [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS
Star Gazer I, II, III TRI-BABF [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Star Maze (SF) SF 31182 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Star Maze (TR) HSM 1040 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tronics SS
Star Runner TRI-BAAP [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS AKA TI Runner
Star Trap (EX) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS AKA Star Wars
Star Trap (DB) TRI-BDAR [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS AKA Star Wars
Star Trek (SE) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega SS 3rd Party
Star Trek (TI) PHM 3225 [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega SS
Star Wars ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] John Phillips SS Unconfirmed #67
Starship Pegasus PHM 3147 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #68
Statistics PHM 3014 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Statistics German PHM 3014 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS German Release
Story Machine PHM 3178 [ ] [ ] [ ] Spinnaker SS
Strike Three! TRI-BADJ [ ] [ ] [ ] Triton SS
Student Data Recorder SF 30404 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS
Submarine Battle PHM 3___ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Isntruments SS Fact #12
Submarine Commander TE8-416 [ ] [ ] [ ] Thorn-EMI SS Unconfirmed #19
Subtraction PHM 3091 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milliken SS
Sunware Ltd Model I ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sunware SS Unconfirmed #69
Sunware Ltd Model II ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sunware SS Unconfirmed #69
Super Cobra PB 1640 [ ] [ ] [ ] Parker Brothers SS Unconfirmed #70
Super Crush 7-015-99 [ ] [ ] [ ] Tigervision SS Unconfirmed #15
Super Demon Attack PHM 3219 [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS
Super Duper TRI-BAAA [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Super Extended Basic TRI-BDAK [ ] [ ] [ ] Triton SS
Super Fly (MB) MB _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #11
Super Fly (TI) PHM 3153 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Supergraph ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Mechatronics SS Unconfirmed #71
Super Sketch - Model G2400 TRI-VABA [ ] [ ] [ ] Personal Periph. SS Attached to Tablet
Super Sketch - Model G2400 ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Personal Periph. SS Attached to Track Ball
Super Sort AS-03 [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Super Space I DBC0SS [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS 8K Memory
Super Space II DBC2SS [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS 32K Memory
Super Space III ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBiotics SS Prototype #2 (64K)
Super Storm RX 8515 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Unconfirmed #72
Survivor ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Synapse SS Unconfirmed #73
Swat Rescue ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Epyx SS Unconfirmed #38
Tafara PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Classic Software SS Unconfirmed #92
Tapper ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Sega SS Unconfirmed #74
Tax/Investment Record Keep. PHM 3016 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Tennis PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Nicesoft SS Unconfirmed #84
Terminal Emulator 1 PHM 3017 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Terminal Emulator II PHM 3035 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Terminal Emulator II (1200) PHM 3___ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #75
Terry Turtles Adventure (MB) MB 4358 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Unconfirmed #11
Terry Turtles Adventure (TI) PHM 3154 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Test Scorer SF 30407 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Unconfirmed #23
Test Trainer PHM 3065 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Unconfirmed #75
The Attack PHM 3031 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
The Great Word Race TRI-BDAL [ ] [ ] [ ] Triton SS
The Pharaoh's Curse ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Synapse SS Unconfirmed #73
Think Basic Facts SF 30300 [ ] [ ] [ ] Scott Foresman SS Unconfirmed #41
TI Calc PHM 3213 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS European Release
TI Invaders PHM 3053 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
TI Logo PHM 3040 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
TI Logo II PHM 3109 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
TI Logo 2 Pour TI99-4A ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] R.A.C SS French Release
TI Planner TRI-BJBS [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS AKA Console Calc
TI Toad TRI-BADG [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
TI Workshop TRI-BAAV [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
TI Writer PHM 3111 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
TI/IBM Connection ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] CorComp SS Fact #13
Tile Breaker ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Exceltec SS AKA Breakthrough
Tombstone City: 21st Century PHM 3052 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Topper TRI-BAAF [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
Topper ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS Unconfirmed #76
Touch Typing Tutor PHM 3064 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Trashman FW _____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS Unconfirmed #4
Treasure Island PHM 3168 [ ] [ ] [ ] Data East SS
Tris ASG-E01a [ ] [ ] [ ] Asgard SS
Tris-2 ASG-____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Asgard SS
Tunnels of Doom PHM 3042 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Tutankham PB 1630 [ ] [ ] [ ] Parker Brothers SS Prototype #3
Typewriter 99 ASG-P18b [ ] [ ] [ ] Asgard SS
Typo ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS Unconfirmed #77
Typo II ROM04025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS
Typo-Man TRI-BAAQ [ ] [ ] [ ] Navarone SS
UCSD Pascal Dev. System ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Prototype #4
Vanguard RX 8549 [ ] [ ] [ ] Atarisoft SS Unconfirmed #78
Vat Accounting PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS UK Release
Verb Viper PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics SS Confirmed #6
Video Chess PHM 3008 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Video Games 1 PHM 3018 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Video Games 2 PHM 3025 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS European Release
Video Graphs PHM 3005 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Videotext Emulator PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS Prototype #6
Video Vegas FW 1002 [ ] [ ] [ ] Funware SS
Von Drake's Molecular...(DY) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #52
Von Drake's Molecular...(TI) PHM ____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #52
War Games ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Thron-EMI SS Unconfirmed #19
Weight Control and Nutrition PHM 3021 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS
Wheel of Fortune ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Triton SS Unconfirmed #79
Whiz Kid ROM_____ [ ] [ ] [ ] Romox SS Unconfirmed #80
Wing War (IM) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #81
Wing War (TI) PHM 3223 [ ] [ ] [ ] Imagic SS Unconfirmed #81
Winnie the Pooh (DY) ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Disney SS Unconfirmed #82
Word Invasion PHM 3169 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics SS
Word Radar PHM 3185 [ ] [ ] [ ] DLM Arcademics SS
Wordmaster I ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS Unconfirmed #83
Wordmaster II ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS Unconfirmed #83
Wordwriter TRI-BJBW [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Wordwriter II ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Wordwriter III ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Wordwriter Xtra TRI-BDAV [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Wordwriter+ TRI-BJBV [ ] [ ] [ ] DataBioTics SS
Wumpus 1103061-0001 [ ] [ ] [ ] Texas Instruments SS European Release
Yahtzee (MB) MB 4967 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Fact #3
Yahtzee (TI) PHM 3039 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
Zaxxon ________ [ ] [ ] [ ] Datasoft SS Prototype #5
Zero Zap (MB) MB 4964 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS Fact #3
Zero Zap (TI) PHM 3036 [ ] [ ] [ ] Milton Bradley SS
European TI Cartridge Releases from Texas Instruments:
*These cartridges were released in both the U.S. and Europe, but have a noticible difference on the label, for some of the European TI cartridges, there were white ovals on the labels, such as (F) that would indicate the country of release. In the case of (F), that would be a cartridge designated for the French market. These ovals were usually found in the upper right corner of the cartridge, above the PHM or International Product Number. Below is a listing of the abbriviations for the countries:*
-- Unless Noted, Country Abbriviations in this column are not used --
(D) = Germany (G) = Germany, earlier abbriviation used by TI, later (D) was used
(E) = Spain (S) = Spain, earlier abbriviation used by TI, later (E) was used
(F) = France
(GB) = Great Britain
(I) = Italy
(NL) = Netherlands
(S) = Sweden
European TI-99/4A Cartridges By Texas Instruments:
Cartridge Title Part No. C I B Country Code(s) Rarity
--------------- -------- - - - ---------------- ------
Carwars 1109825-54 [ ] [ ] [ ] (GB)
Hunt The Wumpus PHM 3023 [ ] [ ] [ ] (GB) (D) (F)
Number Magic 1109825-04 [ ] [ ] [ ] (GB) (D) (F) (S) (I) (NL)
Personal Record Keeping 1103056-0002 [ ] [ ] [ ] (D) (I)
Personal Record Keeping 1103056-0003 [ ] [ ] [ ] (F) (NL)
Personal Report Generator 1109298-1044 [ ] [ ] [ ] (GB) (D)
Personal Report Generator 1109298-3044 [ ] [ ] [ ] (F) (NL) (I) (S)
TI Invaders PHM 3053 [ ] [ ] [ ] (GB)
Video Chess PHM 3008 [ ] [ ] [ ] (GB)
Video Games 1 1109825-18 [ ] [ ] [ ] (GB) (D) (F)
Wumpus PHM 3023 [ ] [ ] [ ] (NL)
From Bruce Tomlin's List:
The manual part number can be found in the lower righthand corner of the
back cover of TI manuals. Atarisoft and Parker Brothers put no part
numbers on either their carts or manuals.
1037109-xx PHM30xx Gray and theme-color stripes, simple pictures
1053590-y0xx PHM3yxx Blue and theme-color stripes, "action" pictures
Parker Brothers:
Light Green cover, same size as TI manuals.
Small white cover, single folded sheet.
Large (TI sized) white cover, single folded sheet.
Large (TI sized) checkerboard cover, single folded sheet.
Most TI 99/4A cartridge boxes I've seen are pretty generic, and depend on
the manual showing through the front to identify the cart inside. They
don't seem very collectible. On the other hand, boxes to cartridges not
manufactured by TI are most likely to be collectible.
Label variations:
Black cart, black label
Black cart, color label
Beige cart, black label (rarest)
Beige cart, transitional label (rare)
Beige cart, color label
(Note: I'm not counting minute variations, such as size of letters.)
There are basically two kinds of carts and two kinds of labels for TI
manufactured carts. Carts are either black or white (actually beige),
to match the two versions of the TI 99/4A. The black carts are the earlier
The labels are usually either black, with the TI logo on the left, and the
title in sans-serif red letters, or colored, with the title in almost any
typeface. The title on a color label almost always in yellow, no matter
what the color of the label.
The label theme-colors are:
Red (later games color)
Purple (original games color)
Green (math)
Blue (educational, and also TI basic)
Gray (utility and home, sometimes a very light purple)
Note: Only 3 cartridges are known to have the Purple label, "Othello",
"Parsec", and "Alpiner". Anyone know of any others?
There is also a "transitional" label, which is arranged like a black label,
except that the label is green with yellow letters. (I don't know if there
are any non-green transitional labels.) I've also seen a gray transitional
label (PHM3044), but it might have faded.
The manuals have simlilar old/new style variations, but a cart may be
packaged with a different manual variation.
Atarisoft carts have a very strange shape, and are black with silver labels.
They look something like this, where #### is the (silver) label:
Parker Brothers carts are roughly the same shape and size as TI carts, except
that the handle end is tapered off as though they sawed a TI and an Atari
5200 cart in two, and glued the 5200 cart's end to the TI cart. The labels
are aqua colored, and are usually just as damaged as any other Parker
Brothers labels.
Funware carts look like standard TI carts, except "FUNWARE, INC." is molded
into the plastic, and the label wraps around the edge with the Funware logo
showing on top.
Miner 2049er (Tigervision) plugs into the expansion port (!), and has a
little foot to support the cartridge. It is white (not beige).
Thanks to dean@xocolatl.com, dano@falcon.ic.net, ana-ng@ix.netcom.com,
pammyk@primenet.com, pavel@tirex.spb.su, and al549@dayton.wright.edu for
help in making this list.
Contenu de ce site ©1999-2025 Fabrice Montupet